The O'Hara Family

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Freemasons Rock!

"Ohhhhh, Myyyyyy, Gooooddd .... It's PETER MCCORY! AH, EEEEH! My favorite singer, EVER!"

"I'm Peter's biggest fan! He is staring RIGHT, AT, MEEEEEE!!!!"

"Oh, Peter, you are my FAVORITE freemason, EVER!" (For a short video of Rory's dance fever, click here.)

Yes, Rory chose to rock the Freemason Temple on Saturday; the Freemasons hosted a children's concert! And Rory was their biggest fan.

Rory did brunch with her aunts and uncles on Saturday, and then she did it again on Sunday with her Daddy and Mommy.

After brunch on Sunday, Rory took her parents to the Alexandria town square, where she did a little jig on the town stage.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Small Wonder

For a change of pace, we celebrated our long weekend by driving to Delaware, a "small wonder" of a state for our own "small wonder", Rory.

We pointed our compass to Wilmington, a destination that we had never ventured. We found the city lovely, with nice parks and zoos and gardens.

The highlight of the trip (and the original impetus) was our visit to Longwood Gardens, which boasts a beautiful, indoor conservatory.

And while Rory's parents enjoyed the lush vegetation and blooming orchids, Rory enjoyed the long corridors down which she could RUN!

And CLIMB STAIRS! (Have I mentioned how much Rory likes to climb?)

The conservatory had hundreds of orchids.

And plenty of other colorful flowers (whose names went in one ear and out the other).

As Rory and Sarah were posing for this shot, Rory heard a piano from the distance ...

She led us into a music hall, and she fell (strangely) quiet as we listened to the music.

Rory was the youngest person in attendance, and the only one who ...

... cried when the performance was over! Seriously, she wailed when we left the music hall!

You can see that she was still mad as we made our way to the ...

... Indoor Children's Garden, which gave Rory even more fun places to explore and ...

... put a smile back on her face.

In fact, the fountains put more than just a smile on her face, they put water all over her face, and shirt, and pants!

Rory was mesmerized by the fountains!

She laughed so hard! But as time wore on, her clothes were becoming soaked, and so Mommy and Daddy decided to intervene.

I interrupt this blog posting to report that when we removed Rory from the fountain, we witnessed a tantrum to end all tantrums. Parents as far away as Philadelphia felt chills down their spine as they heard the shrill shrieks eminating from Longwood Gardens. Security men came dashing to the scene, surely dreading that they had skipped "Disaster Preparedness Day" at the last FEMA in-day seminar. We were encouraged to take our "small wonder with large lungs" to visit the outdoor topiary ...

Fortunately, the topiary shaped like a bird seemed to slow Rory's tears!

Back at that ranch, Rory enjoyed playtime with Mom and Dad.
Playtime was especially fun for Mommy since Daddy had stopped at a wine store on their way back from the Gardens.

Rory gets ready for bed outside of her tent ...

... Wait a second, it looks like Daddy has decided to crash Rory's camping expedition!

Valentine's Day 2008

Sarah's gift to me on Valentine's Day was a heart-healthy, home-cooked meal. Did I mention ...
... that she carved hearts out of the beats? If that ain't love, then I don't know what is!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

O'Hara 4 O'Bama

"Hi! Rory here. Yesterday, the Presidential Primaries came to Virginia, and we left very early in order to avoid the crowds at the election site."
"In fact, I had to eat my breakfast on the run!"
"We're an Obama family. My Daddy is moved by his policies, my Mommy is moved by his message of change, and I'm moved by his videos."
"Despite the early hour, the line at the polling station was very long due to record-breaking turnout."
"I practiced my voting skills while we waited in line ... I didn't want to accidentally pick the wrong candidate!"
"Mommy was very proud of me. She gave me a 'I voted' sticker so that I could show my classmates that I took my civic duties seriously."
"And then I had to wait ALL DAY to see whether Mr. Obama won the primary. Thankfully, he did, by a landslide!"

Sunday, February 10, 2008

18 Months of Goofiness

Rory awoke from her nap the other day in a particularly giddy mood. Fortunately, her delightfulness was captured on film. Perhaps Rory was also feeling special since today was her 18-month birthday! She's come a long way since her first video. Rory weighs 21 pounds, and she measures 32 inches!

Rory & Daddy

Work has been a little stressful lately for Daddy (hence the dearth of blog postings lately), but ...
... Rory helps me keep life in perspective and in touch with my inner child.
(Okay, I didn't need a lot of prodding to join Rory on the amazing, three-story jungle gym at Port Discovery.)
Daddy can't wait till Rory can play board games with him (after 10 years together, he has given up on Mommy).
For now, Rory lets Daddy hold her hand while they take walks together, like this one in a park in Alexandria.
Rory and Daddy together. Work? Oh, Daddy forgot all about work.

Super Bowl 2008

Tim & Becky Anderson hosted a wild and crazy Super Bowl party on Sunday ... homemade pizza, imported beer, and four tireless toddlers!