The O'Hara Family

Monday, May 30, 2011

MDW 2011: We are, we are pirates!

The highlight of our weekend was the merry time that we enjoyed with the pirate crew of the Fearless. Here, Rory gives us a fist pump to display her arm band, and ....

... here, Rory shows off her official "Urban Pirates" tattoo!

Aven was a little less certain that she had made the right decision to join the pirate life.

But her tattoo told a different story.

Our captain said it was time to set sail around the Inner Harbor of Baltimore!

The wee pirates received their official briefing from the funny crew of the Fearless, who entertained the kids for an hour at sea.

The pirates taught the kids how to talk like a pirate, dress like a pirate, and ....

... dance like a pirate!

Rory, Aven, and Mommy were dancing to the cool groves of the pirate music.

Then, the captain told the wee pirates to take their positions behind the water cannons as they practiced shooting tourists on land.

They were prepared, therefore, to fight off the evil pirate who attacked us at sea!

Her bravery was rewarded with two skull rings that Rory wore proudly for the rest of the day.

But the holiday weekend was not over yet! On Monday, we went strawberry picking at Homestead Farm.

This one was a little tired by the end of our many adventures.

MDW 2011: Rory at the Inner Harbor

MDW 2011: Baby Model

MDW 2011: Port Discovery

For Memorial Day Weekend 2011, we ventured to Baltimore on Saturday and Sunday for a short getaway.

Our first stop was Port Discovery, a kids museum that we've visited before. Here, Rory pulls herself across the Nile.

Rory was a big fan of the over-sized dominoes. When we finished this one, we had drawn quite a crowd of on-lookers!

Aven enjoyed the museum too. She spent most of her afternoon in the toddler room, where she fell in love with this yellow ball.

The impact of the museum on our children was fairly moving. Pictured here, Rory ponders the beauty and significance of what she learned ...

... while Aven ponders the beauty and significance of her granola bar, wondering: "How do I con Mommy for another one?"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Backyard Camping

On a beautiful Saturday afternoon, Rory's friend Renni and the rest of her family joined us for hamburgers and ...

... backyard camping! How many kids does it take to help Daddy assemble his tent?

Our campsite did look pretty cool, complete with an outdoor chimenea for roasting marshmellows.

After the tents were assembled, Tim and Marc relaxed with Rory and Renni.

And Rory and Renni had a ton of fun together, traipsing around in their barefeet, goofing around, and getting the fire started (kidding).

But Rory and Renni were not the only things lurking about. Here, Pippin attempts to sneak into the tent ...

... and Aven thought she was old enough for a night outside with her big sister. Perhaps next year.

And then it was time for s'mores! Rory and Renni were big fans.

Later, even Mommy came out to order up one for herself. Rory was happy to oblige.

The "s'mores artist" at work.

She serves it up fresh and sticky and gooey for Mommy.

Promptly, Rory and Renni hydrate themselves.

As the night falls, the girls ready the campsite with lights and glow sticks and night-time secrets.

Here they are the next morning (note: sunrise was 5:51 a.m.). Both girls had a wonderful time on their first camping expedition. Giggles, silliness, stories, and s'mores galore. Perhaps, next time, we'll venture out beyond the backyard.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Aven at 2 years

On May 10, Aven turned two! In this picture, she gives herself an applause for achieving that important milestone. (For comparison's sake, here's Rory at age 2.) Our little "Avi baby" has fast blossomed into a precocious and lovable little girl. She has a tremendous vocabulary (6-word sentences) and, just today, spelled her name. (At this same age, Rory was less verbal, but was counting to 20 ... perhaps these are clues to their different skills?)

Her favorite pastimes are reading her books, playing with animals, running around the house, singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and doing anything with her big sister.

Aven is 33.5 inches tall (50% percentile) (or an inch shorter than her sister at the same age) and 24 pounds (25th percentile) (exactly the same weight as Rory).

"Happy Aven Cake Day"

This past weekend, we celebrated Aven's second birthday, or as she called it: "Happy Aven Cake Day." Here, the girls decorate Aven's cupcakes.
We had many guests, but Aven's friend from school, Brigid, was among the most honored by Aven. (She shared her food with her!)

This was perhaps the first moment of the weekend that Aven really understand that she was the most special person at the party.

Rory instructed her little sister in the fine art of stuffing one's face with chocolate cake.

Unfortunately, Rory couldn't be found when Aven needed someone to instruct her in the fine art of sucking the chocolate off one's fingers.

Hey, when did the pink caddy become a sand truck?....

... Aven surveys the damage (and wonders how she can bogart the car from the big kids).

The ball pit was (once again) a big hit in our back yard.

Aven takes her turn on the slide that descends into the ball pit.

Aven takes a shot of the good stuff.

Yes, and although it was her little sister's party, Rory had a blast as well.