The O'Hara Family

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snowpocalypse, Day 2

On the 2nd day of the Blizzard, we awoke to a winter wonderland. Our backyard had 2 feet of snow, with drifts that were taller than Rory.
Rory was totally prepared for her second day in the snow, with mittens that had baggies that had been taped down by her Daddy.
Aven was once again bundled in her cute pink outfit ... warm, but barely mobile.
And the big dig began! We shoveled paths to our car and street.
While Rory and Aven played in the snow.
Even Pippin decided to venture out into the snow, although only for a few minutes.
Late Friday night, Mommy and Daddy were driving home from their holiday party, and the streets were already getting pretty slick. Confronted with this hill, our Mazda could not get us the final three blocks home. Fortunately, Mommy had brought her hiking boots (she had learned her lesson at 16 when a blizzard had forced her to walk 2 miles), and we got home with no further incident.
Rory and her Daddy began digging the poor Mazda out from under the snow, but it will probably be a few more days before we can get the car back on the road!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snowpocalypse: Blizzard of 2009

The Blizzard of 2009 gave us chance to hunker down as a family and enjoy the winter wonderland outside our door.
Mommy coached Rory in the fine art of snow angels.
Rory was a good student. And a cute snow bunny.
Even Aven got in on the action, bundled warm in her pink snow suit.
Afterwards, we enjoyed a picnic lunch in front of the fire and our Christmas tree.
As of 4 pm, the Blizzard had officially dumped more snow on the Washington region than had ever been seen before in December, and this is likely to rank as one of the "top five" snowfalls in D.C. history. Fun!

Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us, and we have certainly enjoyed Christmas in D.C. with our two girls.
And thanks to Uncle Allen, we're also enjoying Hannukah in D.C. as well!
Rory and Aven have remained fashion-forward despite the chilling temperatures this year.
Shooting our holiday photo has become a little more complicated, requiring a few extra tricks to get everyone smiling and looking in the same direction. (Pictured here is NOT the final shot.)

Saturday, December 05, 2009

T-giving 09: Cute Pics in Vertical

T-giving 09: Fun Days

Despite the early mornings, we managed to have extremely fun days, including a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, where Rory dressed as a fish.
Pops read his girls Pantaloon, a childhood favorite of Mommy's.
Rory had a fantastic time with Emma Joing, whose parents are good friends from Daddy's grad school years.
Rory and Aven contemplated life as coeds on the Stanford campus.
And, of course, we enjoyed a fantastic Thanksgiving feast!
Nonna and her two daughters.

T-giving 09: Early Mornings

We enjoyed a wonderful vacation with the Katz family. However, with Rory and Aven keeping East Coast schedules ...
... we found ourselves starting our day awfully early. Fortunately, we were not alone. Cecil and Aven became fast friends.
And Nonna and Pops had lots of toys for both girls ...
... including a tent in the kitchen especially for Rory!

T-giving 09: Aven's First Plane Ride

Both our little ladies did especially well on the round-trip flight to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Nonna, Pops, and Sydney.
Aven first flight was uneventful ... she slept at the right time, nursed at the right time, and smiled at the right time.
Rory was an old pro, snuggling in for the long ride with her DVD player. As we touched down in San Francisco, she declared: "I don't want to get off the plane." One of the other passengers responded: "You're the only one kid!"