The O'Hara Family

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Were there signs at an early age?

Signs you may drink too much in front of your kids: 1) Your 2-year-old, discussing the night's dinner: "I will have chicken nuggets. Mommy, you will have your wine." 2) Same 2-year-old, coming in from playing outside: "Daddy, can I have a beer?"

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Scenes from December

Daddy celebrated his 30th birthday with his three ladies.

Best. Gift. Ever.

Rory and Aven had their friends over for a December holiday party.

Aven was a featured performer in the Capitol Kids holiday show.

Daddy and his ladies enjoyed a picnic dinner while watching the fireworks at National Harbor.

Rory thought the lights on the National Harbor's Christmas Tree were very inspiring ...

... and so she threw herself into decorating her own Christmas Tree.

Mommy could hardly keep the ornaments coming fast enough for her little helpers.

Aven was especially good at hanging the soft ornaments. Listening to her say "breakable" is priceless.

The elves at work.

"Ice" Show

We started a new tradition by visiting the "Ice" display at National Harbor. Hundreds of ice sculptures in a hanger kept below freezing.

To keep warm, we bundled ourselves in parkas. Aven was quite a funny site as she waddled through the exhibit.

The centerpiece was a massive ice slide!

Rory became a human toboggan she went down that slide so many times.

Aven was a big fan of the smaller slide.

And even Mommy got into the ice fun.

Very cool.