The O'Hara Family

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Halloween Preview of our Lil Ducky

We slipped on Aven's Halloween costume the other day. Oh, how cute is our little ducky!
Mommy whispered a few words of encouragement into Aven's ear.
Our little ducky likes Halloween!

Just another day on the farm

Mmmmm ... corn! So much corn! Rory began her day on the farm taking a refreshing corn bath.
Rory then proceeded to the race track, where she had a great view of the ...
piglet races! Rory's pick even came in first.
As you can probably tell, this was no normal farm. I mean, how many farms have a pillow the size of a football field?!...
Or a pumpkin-eating dinosaur named P-Rex?!...
Or a "cow train" for Rory and Daddy?! What a fun day at Great Country Farms/.

Mind & Body

On the weekends, Rory's parents work hard to hone their eldest daughter's mind and body.
Rory telepathy lessons are going well. She's usually able to "sense" the matching pairs.
And then we throw her in the ball pit for a little exercise.
The ball pit is part of the new "soft playroom" that opened up in the rec center near our home. Rory's donation earned her a plaque on the wall!

Rory-ia Comaneci

Rory "puts on her looking glasses" so that she can focus on the instructions that her gymnastic coach is offering.
Rory has started gymnastic classes again ... but she's now big enough that her Mommy isn't allowed on the mat with her.
As a result, Mommy was forced to take these photos from afar ... with the wrong shutter speed ... holding Aven.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Aven was very excited when we presented her with the latest of Rory's hand-me-downs. The Exersaucer!
So excited, and yet, a little nutty. Nice tongue.
Oh, Daddy didn't mean to offend his princess. Don't give me that long face!....
Ah, that's better. Nice smile.
Oh, wait, that's Rory at the same age that Aven is now!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Renny's Moon Bounce Party

On Sunday, Rory attended her friend Renny's birthday party.
Renny's parents hosted an awesome event, including ...
... tasty cupcakes with green icing. But the main event had to be the ...
... moon bounce that they had rented for the occasion. Clearly, even a few of the adults got in on the action.
Here, Rory and her Mommy take a break from the bouncing.
Yes, Rory was pretty stylish in her avant garde "skull" dress, courtesy of her Aunt Jenny.
And where was Aven during the festivities?... Oh, there she is, demonstrating good taste in seasonal beers.

Homestead Farm, 2009

On Sunday, we made our much beloved trip to Homestead Farms (2007, 2008) for a day of apple picking, pumpking picking ...
... potluck picnic! We enjoy this annual tradition with our "Wine and Cheese" friends.
Our numbers have increased since last year, with Aven and Wesley joining Rory, Greta, Dahlia, and Aidan.
Rory and Aven enjoyed a sisters moment.
Rory made a point of individually inspecting each potential pumpkin, ultimately finding four that she deemed acceptable.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Rory encouraged her family to join her for the final home game of the Nationals' 2009 season.
Her Uncle Allen scored his nieces great seats in the outfield.
Aven enjoyed her afternoon at the ballpark cuddling with her Aunt Chelle.
Aven did get into a bit of a tussle with her Uncle Allen when they couldn't agree on who could gnaw the baby rings.