The O'Hara Family

Monday, October 23, 2006

Autumn Cuteness

For those of you who would like to get a sneak peak at Rory's Halloween costume, our little dragon gave a fashion show earlier today. We gave her two choices: a dragon or a flower, and the little-girl-who-was-almost-named-after-a-Tolkien-character chose the dragon.
Mommy gives Rory a lesson in proper dragon etiquette. ("No biting Pippin honey.")
If the dragon thing doesn't pan out, Rory can go trick-or-treating as a ski bunny!
And talking about dragons and bunnies, Rory has shown an amazing affinity towards her stuffed animals. She becomes her most talkative when surrounded by them critters.
And after a long gab-fest, Rory challenges them to a stare competition. (The stuffed animals always blink first.)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Autumn Milestones

Our Rory is certainly growing quickly and jumping over new milestones every day. Her parents are happiest about her new-found ability to sleep through the night. In fact, she now routinely falls asleep at 9:30 p.m. and doesn't awake till 6:30 a.m. (we slip in a "dream feed" at 11:30 p.m. -- she slurps down a bottle without ever opening her eyes).
A picture of Rory after her first uninterrupted night of sleep.
We snapped this picture of Rory sucking her thumb for the first time.
And this one of Rory picking her first Halloween pumpkin. (She really has a discriminating eye!)
And this picture of Rory eating her first turkey leg!
"Gosh mommy, I could use a nap after that medieval meal."
Rory had a lot of fun at the Maryland Renaissance Festival. Her parents look forward to taking her next year dressed in a princess outfit.
Daddy's little wench ... I mean darling. Sorry, the renaissance mood possessed me.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saddness and Joy

Even Rory gets sad sometimes ... especially the day after receiving four ouchy vaccines. Are we cruel parents to think that Rory looks especially cute when she is sad?...
"Daddy, I'm sad. And when I pout, you do nice things for me."

"Daddy, where am I going dressed so warmly?"
"Daddy, I'm tired. I don't want to play any more!"

Fortunately, these moments of saddness are rare. Instead, we usually get to see the
wiggle of joy. Grandma and Opa Paul got to see the wiggle of joy last weekend, as this video of Rory at 8 weeks shows.

Friday, October 13, 2006

A String Bean in the Making?

Rory had her two-month check-up this morning. She was a brave little girl, allowing her pediatrician to give her four vaccines (four separate needle sticks!). We learned that at 23 inches and 10 pounds, Rory is in the 85th percentile for height and the 25th percentile for weight, a lean profile that is wonderfully healthy, found in only 3% of babies, and suggests that she may have inherited her mommy's body type instead of her daddy's ....

... but she still has my nose, ears, and bald head!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Play Time at Grandma's Beach House

Rory made her first trip to Judy and Paul's house in Beaufort, NC. Although adults can make the trip in 6 hours, Rory preferred a leasurely 9-hour pace.

But the trip was worth it. Rory spent the weekend playing, while Rory's parents caught up on their sleep (Judy and Paul took the two late feedings!)

Paul was wonderful with Rory, spending lots of time tossing her into the sky!

Every day, Rory is more alert, interactive, and talkative.

Rory is most expressive when Sarah leans in close and talks to her in her special mommy voice.

It was so nice to have other people who could sooth the wild beast!

"I love my grandma!"

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rory's First Pants

At two months of age, our little peanut is finally getting big enough for clothes that are advertised as "0-3 months", which means that Sarah can finally dress Rory in some of her cute two-piece outfits.

Here, Rory is looking very dapper, almost as if she is ready to golf the back nine.

Yes, Rory finds that comment very funny.

And she looks so comfy in her green sherpa outfit.

"Mommy, do my yellow socks match my green shirt?"

Monday, October 02, 2006

When Rory Sleeps ...

... Her parents are able to do all sorts of fun things.
For example, we arrange her favorite stuffed animals for a photo shoot.
We dress her in her favorite quilts and clothes. (Thanks Rachel!)
We run out to our favorite diner for a quick lunch.
We love our sleeping Rory!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Many Smiles of Rory

At 7 weeks, Rory delights us with her smiles with greater frequency and variety.

Rory's easy-going temperment even prompted us to make a car trip down to Charlottesville with her yesterday. Our midway stop to feed Rory "just happened" to put us near my favorite winery (Barboursville). So while Rory and Sarah enjoyed the pretty scenery, I ducked into the winery to do some tasting and emerged with some wine for Sarah to enjoy later in the day. We visited with our friend Holly (below), who is pregnant with her second child. Her first, Annabeth, has grown into a beautiful and intelligent little lady.