The O'Hara Family

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

Rory and Aven thought they had picked out some big pumpkins of their own until they saw the ones that Uncle Michael brought home!

Uncle Mike and Cindy showed Aven and Rory how to carve those bad boys.

They were pretty pleased with their own creations ...

... and even more excited by their new jack-o-lantern family!

Warm and Cozy Friday Night

Ahh, as it has gotten cold outside (snow in October!), we've pulled out the electric blanket and turned up the fire.

It used to be that a Friday night in front of the fire might have been a romantic setting, now it's a fantastic place for a picnic with our kids (we roasted s'mores a little later!)


After having found Aven's doppelganger, Drew Barrymore, I've begun searching for Rory's famous twin ...

... I think I may have found her: the actress Zooey Deschanel.

Maze Craze

Rory and Daddy have found a new activity that brings them together. Daddy enjoys drawing mazes, while Rory enjoys solving those mazes.

Four generations

We recently ventured down to the Masterson home for a gathering of four generations. While the grown-ups got caught up with each other ...

Rory and Aven found the dominoes and went to town.

They received a little advice and wisdom for their Great Grandma, who loves to play games, dominoes and cards in particular.

Rory and Aven also enjoyed time with their Grandma, who read them several new Halloween books.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween 2011, Take One

Each year, the kids get ample opportunity to trick-or-treat in their Halloween costumes. This year, the office party kicked-off the season!

Rory gives a hearty "arrrgh" as the Pirate Princess, inspired by Izzy from "Jake and the Neverland Pirates"

Rory and Aven ("The Beautiful Butterfly") wander the corridors in search of candy.

Ahhh, they find the candy stash with Daddy's friends.

The Rites of Autumn

One of our favorite rites of Autumn is our trek to Homestead farms, where we enjoy apple and pumpkin picking.

Of course, we also enjoy the hay rides.

Here, Rory and her friends Greta and Dahlia battle the evil hay monster ...

... while Aven simply declares, "I got the monster in my hand!"

Aven carefully surveys the pumpkin patch for the perfect pumpkin.


Rory proudly displays her laced shoes, which she tied herself!

Aven proudly displays her awareness of popular culture, by "planking" in the soccer field.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Corn Has Slides

We had beautiful Fall weather this weekend, which prompted Rory and Aven to take their parents back again to Cox Farms.

Farmer Aven ...

... Farmer Rory ...

... were pretty excited to undertake that sacred Autumnal ritual that is ROPE SWINGS AMIDST THE CORN!

Okay. There were cows on the farm too.


With grace and poise, Rory demonstrates that she is no stranger to the hay slide.

Aven, on the other hand, was not as experienced as her big sister.

However, Mommy showed her the ropes.

And what Fall festival wouldn't be complete without a hoe down. Grab your partners and ...

... do-si-do.

King of the Hill? My daughter .. and the four boys who must bow down to her highness.

Rory had always had a special place in her heart for goats.

Here, Rory surrounds herself with her goat friends in their special house.

Aven, on the hand, had to warm to the goats. She finally found a "Baby Goat" to call her own.

And then she never left Baby Goat's side.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Aven, a Barrymore Look-Alike

Aven looks adorable in her pig tails. And for awhile, I've thought that Aven bears a striking resemblance to the actress Drew Barrymore.

Here's a picture of Drew Barrymore when she played Gertie from the movie E.T.

Ok. Here's another cute picture of Aven as she lounges on the grass in our front yard.

Ren Fest 2011, Second Trip

We made a second trip to the Renaissance Festival so that Rory could acquire this beautiful piece for her hair and hoist a turkey leg into the sky!

Oh, and of course, to eat said turkey leg. Hmmm!

This was Aven's first bite of the turkey leg. Oh, boy, did she like it.

But what Aven liked even more was a second ride on Misty the Magical Pony.