The O'Hara Family

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Incredible Expanding Belly

Sarah has been incredibly indulgent with her husband throughout her pregnancy, allowing me to drink wine in her presence, create a baby-feeding spreadsheet in Excel, and listen to my tirades about the many ways that our society corrupts its little girls (Club Libby Lu for god's sake!). But perhaps her greatest gift to me (aside from bearing our child, of course) has been her allowing me to photograph her expanding (and sexy) belly and post in this public forum (it is a diary, ya know). I hope you will enjoy these pictures as much as I do.

Sarah and Pilaf at 4 months.

Sarah and Pilaf at 5 months.

Sarah and Pilaf at 6 months.

Sarah and Pilaf at 7 months.

Sarah and Pilaf at 8 months.

And, finally, Sarah and Pilaf at 9 months (this last picture was added on 8/8, Pilaf's official due date).

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pilaf's First Beach Trip

On June 22, Sarah, Pilaf and I accompanied Chelle and Allen to a trip to the beach. Our destination was Beaufort, North Carolina, where Judy (grandma) and Paul (grandpa) have recently retired. They have built a beautiful new home on a marina (see left).

On Friday, we spent the day at Atlantic Beach, and Sarah got to play the role of beach babe! Pilaf is poking through the bikini.

Chelle and Judy pose together ...

... while Paul and Allen give their high praise of the beach godesses.

Tim is lost in his thoughts.

Sarah gives one last wave.

Tim palms the belly!

Note: Sarah is standing on a sand dune.