The O'Hara Family

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ren Fest 2011, First Trip

Yes, I willingly concede that of all the photos and stories that I have blogged about across the years, it will be these from the Maryland Renaissance Festival that are most likely to come back to haunt my daughters when they are rushing sororities and establishing themselves as "cool girls" in their various social circles. Hmmm, come to think about, that just gives me even more incentive to keep the tradition (2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006) alive!

And, seriously, does this kid look like she is having fun or what?!

Rory volunteered to help this court jester with his act, and Rory proved a quite talented plate spinner.

Rory is able to reach impressive heights on Ye Olde Swing Set.

Aven is still learning the ropes.
Rory was excited to see her old friend Misty the Mystical Pony.
Aven was super excited to mount a pony of her own once she saw Rory do it.

Rory's First Official Day of School

After much anticipation and preparation, Rory's first official day of Kindergarten had arrived!

Here is the young scholar posing in front of Douglas MacArthur school (the sign says: "Welcome Back MacArthur Stars")

Within 3 seconds of escorting Rory to her designated gathering area, she had already spotted a friend (Sarah) and was saying goodbye to her parents.

Nonna and Pops were in town to help celebrate this big milestone with Rory. How perfect?... Ice cream at Pops.

Hmmm ... I guess they haven't covered "manners" in school yet.

It was overcast during Rory's first week at school.

Nonna and Rory put the finishing touches on a new piece of pottery.

Aven also enjoyed her time with Nonna, making "mud pies" in this particular picture.

Monday, September 05, 2011

The Fearless One

When she first laid eyes on its majesty, Rory was super-excited to conquer the ropes course at Wisp.

Here, she gives the all-clear thumbs up before tackling ....

.... the net crossing.

Then, it was on to the wobbling logs.

Rory was glad that she had previously had gymnastics training to assist her on the skinny stairs.

But nothing had prepared her for the 150-yard-long zip line! (Well, except for good parenting.)

Wow, she landed at the bottom of the zip line with a smile!

Here she is, excited that her instructor let her do the course two more times! Each time, Rory was faster and more fearless.

Labor Day at Deep Creek Lake

For Labor Day Weekend this year, we ventured to Deep Creek Lake in western Maryland.

And what does Rory always seem to find when we take a hike?... a lollipop tree!

Daddy and his nature-loving girls.

Mommy and her lollipop-loving Rory.

And when Mommy and Rory aren't hiking down the mountain, they are taking the roller coaster down the Wisp ski slope.

Aven had her eyes on things that sparkle. Here, Aven teaches Mommy how to pan for gemstones.

Rory shows off her gems.

After a day hiking, speeding down mountains, and panning for gold, these little girls enjoyed their ice cream break.

Aven, especially, enjoyed the ice cream, chastising Mommy every time she tried to "share" with her daughter.

"Mmmmm, got to get that last drop of the good stuff!"

Rory says goodbye to Capital Kids

We saw the closing of an important chapter in Rory's life this past week, as Rory said goodbye to Capital Kids, the daycare and pre-K program that she has been a part of since four-months-old. Henceforth, she'll be a MacArthur star.

Rory gave us a tour of those past few years. Here, she poses in front of the "baby room" where she first learned the ropes at Capital Kids. Take a look at little Rory on her first day.

Here she is posing in her the "big kid" room.

Rory gives her a little sister the benefit of her wisdom, pointing out where she's stashed the best "My Little Pony" outfits. Aven has come a long way since her first day at Capital Kids.

Ms. Katy has been a big influence over Rory. In addition to being the school's director, Ms. Katy was Rory and Maeve's "kindergarten prep" teacher, giving them a little extra boost of preparation for their next academic journey. Fortunately, all that time spent with Rory didn't dissuade Ms. Katy to want to have children of her own (she's pregnant with her first).

At last, Rory waves goodbye to the hallowed halls of Capital Kids.

Stump Stage

The big tree in our front yard had been slowly dying of a fungus that had infected its limbs. The recent hurricane reminded Daddy that such a tree posed a risks.
And although we lost a tree, we gained a "stump stage" on which my daughters now perform regularly to the amusement of my neighbors. Yes, we're that family.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Our first "real" camping expedition

After a trial run in our backyard, Rory was ready for her first "real" camping expedition to Burke Lake Park.

Joining Rory for this trek into the wilderness was her little sister Aven and her friend Charlotte, whose Daddy went to school with Rory's Daddy.

There's Eric, Charlotte's Daddy, tending the grill. Our campsite was perfect, with plenty of space for the tent, a grill, fire ring, and picnic table.

Charlotte and Rory await their dinner!

Rory puts down her second hotdog. Yes, Mommy, she also ate plenty of that corn you see on the table.

Yes, Mommy, my hand was inches away from Aven's back as she was roasting her marshmellows.

Mmmmm ... Aven finally got her s'more and settled into her comfy chair. Aven loved camping!

The girls show off their glow sticks in front of the tent.

They did their night time dance to ward off any unfriendly fairies or tree gnomes.

And they giggled late in the night when they should have been sleeping!

The next morning, the kids enjoyed bagels and eggs.

The cool thing about camping in Burke Lake Park is that the park comes complete with a mini-train and ...

... carousel! Rory and Charlotte had a blast.

Admittedly, Aven was a little tired the next morning, caught here napping at the bottom of the slide.