The O'Hara Family

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Play Time at Grandma's Beach House

Rory made her first trip to Judy and Paul's house in Beaufort, NC. Although adults can make the trip in 6 hours, Rory preferred a leasurely 9-hour pace.

But the trip was worth it. Rory spent the weekend playing, while Rory's parents caught up on their sleep (Judy and Paul took the two late feedings!)

Paul was wonderful with Rory, spending lots of time tossing her into the sky!

Every day, Rory is more alert, interactive, and talkative.

Rory is most expressive when Sarah leans in close and talks to her in her special mommy voice.

It was so nice to have other people who could sooth the wild beast!

"I love my grandma!"


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