The O'Hara Family

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Freemasons Rock!

"Ohhhhh, Myyyyyy, Gooooddd .... It's PETER MCCORY! AH, EEEEH! My favorite singer, EVER!"

"I'm Peter's biggest fan! He is staring RIGHT, AT, MEEEEEE!!!!"

"Oh, Peter, you are my FAVORITE freemason, EVER!" (For a short video of Rory's dance fever, click here.)

Yes, Rory chose to rock the Freemason Temple on Saturday; the Freemasons hosted a children's concert! And Rory was their biggest fan.

Rory did brunch with her aunts and uncles on Saturday, and then she did it again on Sunday with her Daddy and Mommy.

After brunch on Sunday, Rory took her parents to the Alexandria town square, where she did a little jig on the town stage.


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