Face Painting
At Dahlia's birthday party, Rory was able to sit for a face painting session.
Rory wanted to harness the power of the butterfly, and she was quite pleased with the end product.
One happy hippie!
A close-up of Rory's butterfly tattoo.
Summer Scenes 2010
Great balls of fire! Aven is learning how to bang the ivories with style ...
Here she is putting on quite a rockin performance.
Mommy and Aven take the train at the Fairfax county fair.
Rory and Aven take a short nap on their way home from the Fairfax county fair.
So far this summer, we've enjoyed birthday parties, playgrounds, parks, BBQs, and plenty of other outside activities.
Of course, we can't go anywhere unless we go in style!
And we try not to go anywhere unless Aven is in a good mood.
It has been hard to beat the heat, but our octopus sprinkler has helped.
Rory has enjoyed her time in the water, but she was still feeling like she needed a way to keep cool ...
... and there is nothing like a new, short, cute hair cut to do the trick.
Wintergreen shots
In what is becoming a bit of a tradition, we ventured down to Wintergreen to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend.
We enjoyed fun meals and several trips to the pool.
Rory impressed us with a symmetrical representation of the Disney princess castle and then declaring that she will grow up to become an architect of great renown. Must be the mountain air.
Recently, we went strawberry picking with our friends, and we returned with a mountain of berries. Sarah industriously canned her first-ever (and quite tasty) strawberry preserves, and Rory helped her make a batch of strawberry fruit roll-ups!
Smiles and Silliness
Why is this little lady smiling?
Oh, silly Daddy!
Sun and Rain
Yeah, Daddy picnics with his girls like this every Saturday in the summer while Mommy goes shopping!
Perhaps the most adorable all-weather girls that I've ever seen!