The O'Hara Family

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Beach Fun Continued

Why on earth would this child be tired?
Could it be the hours of soccer that she played with her Uncle Mike?

(That's whom Rory is looking at with such admiration.)
Could it be the hours of "cornhole" that she played with her cousins?

(Rory's t-shirt was a gift from Vicki and her boys, George and Clay, who are pictured below. The t-shirt reads: "Don't you wish your grandma was hot like mine?" The hot grandma is also pictured below.)
Could it be the long walks down the fashion runway?
Could it be pressure to perform funny tricks at every meal to delight her adoring fans?
Could it be the action-packed days at the beach?
Could it be all the gossip that Rory and Leah engaged in? (Yes, girls, George and Clay are pretty cute.)
Could it be all the standing that Rory practiced?...
....Or the crazy applause she gave herself when she was able to stand unassisted?
Could it have been all the long walks with her grandmother?
Or could it have been all the pictures that Rory had to pose for?


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