The O'Hara Family

Sunday, June 03, 2007

An Object in Motion

One smal step for Rory, one giant leap in her development. With the assistance of two steady hands, Rory is now our perambulating princess. As I have mentioned, Rory has become much more vocal with her wants and needs. And now that she knows what to do on our two little feet, she lets us know when she wants us to take her on a walkabout (hint: frequently). While this video is not the most exciting or funny, it does give you a good sense of Rory's range of motion these days. Enjoy.

So, Rory likes the new view that her two strong legs afford her. She is not yet crawling, but she gives us every indication that she will be soon. And walking (unassisted) probably won't be too long in coming thereafter.

In other weekend news, the D.C. weather did us no favors. On Saturday, the heat and humidity cut our annual trip to the Virginia Wine Festival short (before any pictures could be taken). The sight of Rory sweating like a piglet made both her parents a little nervous. On Sunday, the rain made our shopping excursion a little less comfortable. However, the house is now passably baby-proofed ... gates installed, electric plugs covered, cupboards securely latched!


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