The O'Hara Family

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Rory's First Beach Trip

On Monday, Rory had her first taste of Emerald Isle! And she proved herself a true beach baby. This was the first year that Rory could join her father's extended family at their annual vacation to this North Carolinian destination. Rory, Sarah, and I flew from D.C. to N.C. on Sunday, and we were picked up at the airport by Rory's grandma and Aunt Chelle. We drove to our condo complex, where dozens of family and friends awaited.
In this picture above, Rory's cousin Leah helps Rory with her first few tentative steps on the sand. After only a few minutes, Rory dove right into the sand. Her grandmother ensured that Rory had many, many beach accessories from which to choose, including this set of sand toys. Rory had many fans on the beach that she delighted with her smiles ...
... and snot! Unfortunately, Rory is still getting over a little cold.
Eventually, Rory convinced her daddy to take her into the ocean, pausing at the water's edge for one last look before ...
... Taking her first step into the Atlantic ...
... and declaring the experience quite a fun one!
Rory enjoyed stomping around in the surf.
And she showed no fear of the waves. It was her daddy who had to hold her back!
Rory broke free and crawled out to the sea!
After all of that activity, Rory and her daddy took their first nap on the beach.
Rory proved the better napper, and ended up taking one of the best, longest naps in her beach tent.
She was such a good beach bum!
When our little dune duchess awoke, she and her mommy took a little walk before calling it a day.


  • love the tight, sexy ass in the pink suit she is old enough foranal too

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 PM  

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