The O'Hara Family

Monday, August 25, 2008

2 years, 2 weeks, 2 days

This evening, I post as a "proud papa" who simply wants to document, for posterity's sake, his life with Rory Catherine at age 2 years, 2 weeks, and 2 days. No pictures.

Rory counted to twenty this evening during our car ride home. Seriously, 1 to 20 with only a little prompting from me after six. She can recite the alphabet song (perhaps since we sing it every night as she brushes her teeth). This morning, during breakfast, Rory sang the entire "Itsy Bitsy Spider" song to us (Rory speak: "Itsy Bitsy Fider"). She spent the afternoon in the pre-K room with the principal of our daycare center (there was a day-long teacher shortage; Rory has not been officially promoted, mom), and the principal remarked: "Rory is really, quite amazingly, verbal." Honestly, I don't know whether that was a compliment or a "oh my god I'd be exhausted if this little verbal girl was my daughter".

Also at breakfast ... I asked Rory, "Who is going to be the next president?" She answered: "Oh-Bottom!" Democrats can be proud that she is supporting Obama and Republicans can delight in her mispronounciation.

The most oft-repeated phrase that we hear in our house: "Rory do." As in: "Rory do that, daddy." Rory wants to feed herself, boost herself into her car seat, brush her own teeth, etc. The second-most repeated phrase: "Zat?" As in: "Mommy, what's that?" Rory is extremely inquisitive, wanting to understand the world around her and find a name for everything. We are only weeks away from "Why?" ...

Rory delights us every day. She also challenges us hourly. We are definitely "parents" now.



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