The O'Hara Family

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Teacher's Pet

A post from Sarah: At home, Rory is exhibiting all the classic behavior of a child about to turn 2. "No, mommy, no!" and "No, daddy, no!" are the phrases we hear most often these days. At daycare, however, it's another story. As the oldest child in her classroom, Rory has apparently taken it upon herself to act as goody-two-shoes and mini teacher's aide -- not only scolding the other children for their misbehavior but also pointing out every infraction to her caregivers. Today, for instance, Rory reportedly caught her classmate Landon pulling something out of the trash can. First, she castigated him verbally ("No, Landon, no!"). Then, she picked up the offending piece of garbage herself and put it back in the can before dragging Landon over to her teacher Ms. Christina, presumably in the hopes that he would receive some suitable punishment. Ah, our very own little whistle-blower... only a matter of time before she's reporting Medicare fraud to the government, right?


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