The O'Hara Family

Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Mo-gain" at the Fair

Last weekend, Rory took her parents to the Alexandria Waterfront Festival, where she rode lots of fun fair rides.
Rory has coined a word of her own that combines "more" with "again" and sounds like "mo-gain".
She uses this favorite word of hers whenever she wants something fun to be repeated ...
... such as riding the fair rides over and over. "Mommy, Mo-gain train", for example.
Here, Rory gets behind the wheel with her Daddy, an event that will not repeat itself for another 20 years or so.
"Mommy, mo-gain car. My car!"
All day, Rory had eyed the tall slide towards the back of the festival. Finally, she mustered the courage to climb the stairs with her Daddy.
At the top of tall slide, Rory took her position on her Daddy's lap and prepared for the fast descent.
For the first half of the ride, Rory squealed with delight. But the second bump must have been a little scary for her.
When she got to the bottom of the slide, she was chanting, "No slide, Daddy. Bad slide!"
Later, Rory found the most fun ride of them all ... her Mommy!"


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