The O'Hara Family

Monday, April 02, 2007

Rory's First Opening Day Ballgame!

On Monday, Rory continued a long-standing tradition in her family by attending the Opening Day ballgame. Her great-grandfather attended decades of Opening Day games to watch his Cincinnati Reds, and now Rory has begun the tradition with her Washington Nationals. Pictured here, Rory is doing a little tailgating before her big game.
Here Rory is with most of the gang ... her grandma and her O'Hara aunts and uncles.
Rory engages her Aunt Chelle in a ferocious debate: who's cuter, Ryan Z or Ryan C?
Rory's mommy arrives a little late with Rory's Nonna and Pops. Rory and her mom enjoy the game together, until ...
...Rory lunges at Mommy when she made fun of the Nationals bullpen!
All that excitement can tire a little girl out!
Unfortunately, Rory awoke just in time to see her Nationals lose to the Marlins 9-2.


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