The O'Hara Family

Monday, April 02, 2007

Blossoms & Kites

On Saturday, Rory took her parents to the opening ceremonies of the annual Cherry Blossoms Festival, which featured several kite competitions. Rory liked the view from the top of her daddy's shoulders, which gave her a great perch to delight in the hundreds of kites that filled the air.
It still gives us a thrill to have D.C. in our backyard (that's the Washington Monument in the background). This is just the start to a big weekend. Rory's Grandma, Nonna, and Pops are in town. On Monday, we are going to the National's Opening Day ballgame, and on Tuesday Rory is hosting everyone at her house for the Seder.
When Rory is in these public places, she tends to go back and forth between big smiles and long, serious stares...
...clearly, these blossoms brought out Rory's contemplative side. What is she thinking? ("Hmmm, how can I get me those pretty flowers for myself?")

My two pretty ladies pose under the cherry blossoms for their final shot.


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