The O'Hara Family

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Avocado of Doom

Rory's mommy doesn't blog. Instead, she participates in an active community of new moms who e-mail each other (constantly) for advice, comfort, and companionship. For a humorous glimpse into our life, I offer you the following exchange from this evening:

Sarah's Posting to the list serve

From: Sarah Katz O'Hara
Subject: Dramatic Reaction to New Food
Date: March 10, 2007, 5:06 p.m.

So, we tried giving Rory avocado this evening for the first time. It
did not go over well. When I put it in her mouth, she immediately spit
it out and then a split second later, threw up. Everywhere. To see
whether the two things (avocado and throwing up) were indeed related,
I waited a little while and then tried again. Same reaction,
instantaneous vomit and all. Suffice it to say, we will not be trying
avocado again anytime soon, but I'm just curious -- has this happened
to anyone else? Because she threw up before she could even swallow it,
I don't think it's any sort of allergy, but I don't know what else
would cause that reaction.

Thanks as always,

Response to Sarah's Posting

From: Sara Ford
Subject: Dramatic Reaction to New Food

Date: March 10, 2007, 5:54 p.m.

Interesting. Although this is not an answer to your question, I thought I'd share if only to let you know that you are not alone cleaning up after your little one tonight. This evening, I also introduced Carly to avocado for the first time, which she loved. Fast-forward to bathtime....after her lovely bath, I realized that I didn't have her towel with me and, since I didn't want to leave her alone in the tub while I fetched it, I just wrapped her in my towel. As I sat in the bathroom drying her off, her poop face took ahold of her fast & furiously and she let loose in my towel. Bigtime. Totally grossed out, I waited until she was done and headed into her bedroom to clean her off and cautiously affix a diaper on her tender behind. As I put her down on her changing table naked, she exploded again....e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. I just finished 40 minutes worth of cleaning poop off the walls, disinfecting her changing table area, scraping off my towel, starting a load of laundry and getting her into bed. Why does this always happen when Greg isn't around?

I do not think Carly's incident was directly related to the avocado, however, because she's had gas all day long. It's probably the formula that I introduced to her Thursday night for the very first time (convenient going in, not so convenient coming out). I agree that it doesn't sound like Rory is allergic, but perhaps it was sour to her and the gag reflex triggered her throwing up? She probably associated the taste of it with that horrendous throw-up feeling and rejected it the second round. I guess if you really want to test whether or not she is allergic, you could mix a tiny bit of avocado in with sweet potatoes or something she really likes and test her reaction.

I'm off to find a glass of wine...


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