The O'Hara Family

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rory at 6 Months

Yesterday, Rory turned six months, and I am astounded that time has flown so quickly. Rory is sitting up, largely unassisted. Her favorite sound is a hard "g", as in "gah gah" and "guh guh" and "grrr" (that last one sounds like the "roar" we expect from a girl named Rory). She loves balloons, dancing with her mommy, and eating sweet potatoes. She grins from ear to ear when I rub her down with a towel after her bath.
Our little girl is getting bigger with each day. Compare her with this picture taken in October.
Yes, we spoil her with toys. She favors those with smooth surfaces (like her plastic car) that are more easily grasped than plush toys.
Rory has started to notice Pippin, watching him as he streaks across the floor and reaching out to grab him when he comes near. Hence, Pippin enjoys moments like this one when he can just enjoy our bed unmolested.


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