The O'Hara Family

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rory at 5 months

At 5 months, Rory delights her family with moments of sheer joy, just as she befuddles us with new parenting questions:
Is she old enough for the exersaucer? What do the "Wookie" sounds really mean? Should she be taking two long naps instead of four short ones? But the thing that gives us the most assurance is Rory's smile. I mean, we can't be screwing her up too bad if she still smiles like this?
As you can see, Rory has discovered that she has feet...
...And she sooo wants to crawl. She can lift her head and butt, move her arms and legs, but still can't lift her upper body.
So, after a workout, Rory likes to surround herself with a few of her favorite things and chill.
And then it's back to the action in her new exersaucer! You can check out Rory exploring her new toy on this video.
We are glad that Rory has graduated to the exersaucer, since she has to return her cradle swing to the Peake Family, who welcomed Nathanael Ryan into the world yesterday morning. Nathanael's brother Caleb is very excited, and Tonia is doing great.


  • What a cutie! Thanks for keeping us blog lurkers updated on the life and times of Rory O'Hara.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:34 PM  

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