The O'Hara Family

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Rory, Say Hello to ...

Rory has gotten to meet so many friends and family on her journeys to Beaufort and Seattle this holiday season ... many more than are pictured below. Nonetheless, below are a few of the gems.
Cousin Tom gave Rory a place to rest on her long driving trip to North Carolina.
Aunt Ashley gave Rory tips on how to squeeze more gifts out of her old man.
Aunt Chelle instructed Rory in the fine art of Christmas center pieces.
Aunt Jenny made Rory laugh when she suggested that Rory dye her hair "black and blond", a style that Jenny has adopted herself.
Cousin Rachel gave Rory comfort after her long cross-country flight to Seattle.
Nan Little tells Rory stories about when Rory's mommy was just a wee tyke.
Allison made a convincing case that Rory should relocate to Los Angeles and join Allison in her stage and screen career ...
... while Aunt Sydney tried to undo the influence of her friend and convince both Alison and Rory to move instead to Seattle ...
... a proposition that Aunt Belinda supports, telling Rory that as the chief resident at a prominent Seattle hospital, she can give Rory a life as glamorous as the one depicted on Grey's Anatomy.
Audrey conveys the collected wisdom of a six year old to her new pal Rory.


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