The O'Hara Family

Friday, November 20, 2009

Aven at 6 months

This week, Aven had her six-month check-up. I really can't believe that "AviBaby" (as Rory calls her) is already 6 months old!
Generally speaking, Aven got a clean bill of health (although we did discover that her current sniffles are the result of a mild ear infection, ick). Aven clocked in at just under 14 pounds and 25.5 inches, which matches Rory's vital stats at that same age almost perfectly. For a reminder of what Rory looked like at 6 months click here here. Pictured here is Aven's new super power (as Mommy calls it) ... her ability to sit-up on her own.
Aven is a chill, calm kid ... giving us more tummy time and longer stretches of contentment that Rory did. Interstingly, Aven is also a little more tempermental: she knows what she wants (e.g., bed time, food, a toy) and she'll let her needs be known. Daddy thinks: "Great, a house filled with spirited, independent women ... and a willful cat to boot!"


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