The O'Hara Family

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Each year, the Advisory Board Company throws a Halloween Party for the kids of employees. The kids get to do "trick or treating" throughout the building. This year, Rory was dressed as a butterfly, continuing a "bug" theme from last year. Here, Rory poses for a picture in Daddy's office.
Daddy's colleagues thought Rory was awfully stylish in her butterfly costume. They were kind enough to supply Rory with extra candy, and Rory was kind enough to put on quite a show (taking her candy in and out of her bag at least 10 times).
Rory had a hard time with the concept of "take just one dear".
Rory was very proud of her bag. Her Mommy forgot to bring a Halloween bag, but she did have a wine bag ready to go (of course).
Fortunately, as the evening came to a close, Rory was more interested in eating a banana than she was eating chocolate! (We probably can't expect that next year.)


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