The O'Hara Family

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Medieval Times

It's amazing that we're now on our "second lap" with Rory. It's feels like just yesterday that Rory was eating her first turkey leg (see picture here) at Maryland's Renaissance Festival. Last year's festival was among the first events that took us outside the house with Rory (see picture here).
This year, we ventured back in time with Tim's family: Aunts Chelle and Jenny and Uncles Mike and Allen. The weather was much warmer than last year, and Rory took much of the festival on foot. She enjoyed the jousting, the costumes, the music, the food, and the the people watching ...
Yes, the festival brings out the geeky and freaky side of humanity, which gave plenty for Rory to stare at.
Rory was mesmerized by the stage acts, including this troupe of comedy jugglers, named London Broil.
Much fun was had by young and old alike. Well, except when Rory was stung by a bee!...
Yes, Rory has now survived her first bee attack. The bee stung Rory's ear, which swelled to a nice, juicy size.
Fortunately, Rory's uncles swooped to the rescue with ninja stingers of their own, protecting her for the rest of the day.
Even Rory's daddy got into the act. But, hey, were there really ninjas walking around Medieval England?


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