The O'Hara Family

Sunday, September 09, 2007

"The Ponies Ate My GoldFish"

"Hi, it's me. While Mommy and Daddy are letting their old bones recover from our first camping trip, I thought I'd tell you about the weekend."
"Even Mommy had an okay time on this camping trip. We shared a campsite with friends that Daddy met when he was in graduate school."
"We pitched our tent at Assateague Island national park after a 3 hour drive from home. The campgrounds were beautiful, but we had to battle nasty mosquitos."
"I loved our big tent. (Pops, if you're reading, click here for more details.) I played on top of our sleeping bags and sleeping rolls for a long time with Mommy and Daddy."
"When I got tired, Daddy put me to bed in my Pack & Play. Later that night, I was awakened by a rustling that was just inches from my head..."
"... Right outside the tent, the noises were being made by the Magical and Hungry Ponies of Assateague Island! And they were eating my Goldfish!"
"Daddy had foolishly left a bag of my food outside our tent during the night. The horses came back several times looking for more, but I didn't have any more to share."
"On our second day, we spent lots of time at the beach, which was just a short walk from our tent."
"On the beach, I tried to get Mommy to quicken her pace with my frequent shouts of 'Go', but she was unable to wisk me close enough to my quarry ..."
"... The Magical and Chirpy Birds of Assateague Island taunted me at every turn! If only I could have convinced one of the Ponies to give me a lift."
"Daddy and his school friends were clearly in need of a little R&R. Unfortunately, Daddy forgot to put on sun block, and so he came back looking like the Magical and Bright Red Lobsters of Assateague Island."


  • Good tent choice, Tim. I just don't want to be around when Sarah notices that you bought a tent that "sleeps six!"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:09 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger April, at 1:37 PM  

  • OMG sarah, you went camping?! getting back to your seattle roots -- good for you. ;) Happy Birthday to mom and baby (rory is SO BIG!!!) and hi to dad too!

    By Blogger April, at 1:41 PM  

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