The O'Hara Family

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Rory's First Trip to California

Last Tuesday, Rory made her first trip to California, and she proved a wonderful traveler! We had a wonderful time with Chuck and Roberta, we got to see many of our b-school friends, and we participated in the wedding of our good friend, Matt Brokaw.

Rory relaxes after making it successfully through airport security!
Rory only had a few squawks during her 5-hour plane ride to California. Although she slept for most of the trip, she also got some good playtime.
Pops was delighted by his granddaughter. They spent lots of time playing ...
... and walking together. Here's a video of Pop and Rory dancing together, with Cecil trying to cut in.
Rory also got to meet Cecil, who displayed intense concern for Rory for our entire trip. Whenever Rory cried, Cecil cried too.
And after so much playtime with Pops and Cecil, Rory loved taking naps with her Nonna ...
... and taking baths with Nonna!
Rory and her Mommy looking incredibly cute.
Daddies and their daughters! (Oh, Mark, this picture does nothing flattering for our hair!)

Rory had two major milestones on the trip -- she rolled over for the first time (tummy to back) and grabbed her toy!
The family!

Don't Daddy and Mommy look good?! They are off to the wedding, and they are leaving Rory behind with her Nonna.
Our return trip! Can you believe that Rory did even better on the return flight?... She coo'd for the most of the trip and said hi to each of her fellow passengers as they passed by.


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