The O'Hara Family

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Family Survives Three Weeks Together!

As milestones go, three weeks feels pretty important. The first week was dominated by the NICU, the second week was about bringing Rory home with us and stabilizing her weight gain, and the third week was about taking big steps to the "new normalcy" ... Tim going back to work and Sarah caring for Rory during the day. And Rory's imbilical cord finally fell off!
When daddy returns from work each day, mommy hands the little bundle of joy over to me. Sponge baths, play time, and kisses are the norm.
Mommy and Rory spend a lot of their time in erudite conversation. Rory is a sucker for the sounds of Sarah's voice.
We eat dinners as a family (often on the couch), although Rory has a tendency to sack out during dessert.
Nona gave us the amazing gift of her daily presence during this third week ... shopping, cooking, cleaning, and lots of good grandmotherly advice. Next week, Rory's (other) grandmother will play this role. We can't wait for Grandma Judy.


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