The O'Hara Family

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Rory at Two Weeks Old

Today, Rory turned two weeks old. Unfortunately for Rory, part of the celebration included a trip to the pediatrician's office for the first of her vaccines. Fortunately for us, Rory is fairly easy to console. In fact, we have been blessed (thus far) with a child of moderate temperment. She hasn't been gaining weight quite as quickly as we would like, so we've started her on a new routine to "chubby" her up. We think that's she's been too nice to let us know that she could use a few more calories in her daily diet.
Each day, Rory gives us several hours of alert, play time. Sometimes she enjoys staring off into space, other times she likes to use her daddy as a jungle gym -- she's a squirmer (with great muscle tone, the doctor says). When she's unhappy, Rory has a nice repetiore of sounds with which she communicates. There's the "pig snort" ("hey guys, I want your attention"), the "rapid-fire sniffs" ("I-sniff-am-sniff-very-sniff-serious-sniff-about-sniff-what-sniff-I-sniff-am-sniff-trying-sniff-to-sniff-say"), and a whole range of short chirps.
Best of all, she's a good sleeper. When she's down for the count, she stays sacked out. Typically, we need to wake her for her next feeding (something we'll be doing a little more frequently across the next few days).
And when my two ladies are snuggled close together, there isn't a more beautiful sight.


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