The O'Hara Family

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Comes Early

We were spared a harsh winter this year, and Spring has arrived early. We took advantage of the cherry blossoms' early bloom to walk the tidal basin.

Aven thought the blooms were pretty cool ...

... and Rory was inspired to practice her frisbee skills.

Why is the Mommy looking so relaxed? Doesn't she have a diaper that she could be changing?

No! Because Aven is a big girl now! She is (almost) potty trained, even if that means that we take the portable potty to wherever we roam.

Rory is a very supportive big sister, even fanning Aven while she does her dirty work.

But don't feel too sorry this sporty sister. Rory has started her Spring soccer league, joining a team with several of her other girl friends.


  • if i got to see Aven's littlecunt and watch her pee i would cumearly too!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:43 PM  

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