The O'Hara Family

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Sisters Party (With A Dog)

And Aven's Great Aunt Janet made the trip from Richmond to see her "great" niece. Janet joined us for a lovely afternoon party. We also had Uncle Kevin and their kids Maggie, Katie, and Tom (who brought his girlfriend Hayden). Tim's siblings were also in attendance, and they brought tons of wonderful appetizers for the event.
We dubbed the event the "sisters party" ... a soiree in honor of sisters Aven and Rory, food by the sisters Chelle and Jenny, attended by the sisters Grandma and Aunt Janet, and featuring special guests Katie and Maggie Masterson (twins to boot).
For Rory, the hit of the party just might have been Wriggley, Uncle Mike's new "puppy". Or as Rory said: "Rig-uh-lee".
Good doggy! (Although Pippin may beg to differ.)


  • Sounds like you had fun- wish we could have been there! Love keeping up with your fam through your great blog. :)

    By Blogger Tracy, at 5:48 AM  

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