The O'Hara Family

Sunday, December 21, 2008

"It's a Girl!"

Until now, we haven't officially "blogged" about our biggest news of the season, waiting until we had made sure to tell all of our friends and family in person. Sarah is pregnant and due in May. Rory will have a little sister, and I will be the proud papa of two daughters! During both sonogram appointments, the little one put on quite a show for us, twirling and dancing and kicking. She already looks like she will have Rory's height and energy. We asked the technician to write the gender on a note card so that we could open it with Rory. We were going to wait till my birthday (the next day), but we just couldn't wait. We are, of course, very excited and all the more ready to close on our new home and move in. Rory will get a "big kid" room of her own, and pass along her furniture set, nursery accessories, and her clothes to her little sister.


  • Tim, Sarah and Rory,

    Congrats on the impending addition to your family. May she be a source of joy and happiness always.

    Cousin Michael

    By Blogger Michael, at 12:07 AM  

  • Christmas Day 2008

    Sarah and Tim,
    Just read your happy news on the site. Rory must be delighted.

    Cheers to all of you,
    Jean and Gary

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:14 PM  

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