The O'Hara Family

Saturday, April 19, 2008

"Mommy Silly"

This week, Rory started down a new linguistic path by stringing two words together. And her first phrase? Appropriately, it was "Mommy Silly." Later in the week, we heard "Nick car" (when she saw her classmate pull-up next to our car at school), "No Pippin" (as she repeated something she hears her Mommy frequently say), "Up Daddy" (when she was instructing her Daddy to move aside so that her Mommy could sit down next to her instead), and "Eric push" (as she was describing the naughty thing her other classmate did to her). "Eric push" was followed by Rory affecting a stern face, raising her finger, and saying "No, no, no" ... apparently mimicing her teacher when she saw Eric pushing Rory.

Wait, now that I think about it. I actually don't know for certain if it was Eric who pushed Rory or Rory who pushed Eric. She does have a checkered past.


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