The O'Hara Family

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas 2007

On Christmas morning, Rory awoke early, donned her snowman slippers, and supervised the assemblage of the Christmas gathering. Rory's Aunt Chelle and Uncles Mike and Allen had arrived late on Christmas Eve, just barely beating Santa to Grandma and Opa's beach home. Santa delivered quite a bounty to Beaufort.

In fact, we didn't finish the unwrapping till the 26th!
Rory was a good little elf, helping to deliver and unwrap everyone's gifts.

She and her Daddy quite enjoyed the building blocks, constructing towers that Rory would promptly tear down. The bow on Daddy's head was a little confusing, however.
The attention of everyone (babies excluded) turned to Daddy as he examined the beer-making ingredients that (a very jolly) Santa delivered.
Uncle Allen is wearing a gift that Santa acquired through eBay, while Aunt Chelle tells Allen to hurry things up.
Aunt Jenny (and her newly dyed dreadlocks) shows Rory had to make the slinky slink.
Uncle Mike shows Rory how to make good use of the funny eyeballs that came with her building block set, which ...
made Rory giggle.
Later in the day, Rory went on a food strike (she had been sick) that only her Aunts could break through.
We stopped in Richmond on our way back to D.C. to see the Masterson clan, where Rory's great grandmother was staying for the holidays.


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