The O'Hara Family

Friday, August 04, 2006

Let the Betting Begin!

Update: Judy is declared the winner! The grandma was only off by 16 minutes! And 9 ounces!

Chelle has organized a betting pool on when Sarah is going to deliver our little Pilaf. Here are the bets:
  • Roberta - 8/8 8:00pm - 7lbs 1oz
  • Jenny - 8/9 6:00 am - 7lbs 0 oz
  • Chelle - 8/10 10:10am - 7lbs 2oz
  • Judy - 8/10 11:15pm - 7lbs 7oz
  • Paul - 8/11 7:00pm - 7lbs 9oz
  • Allen - 8/11 7:24pm - 8lbs 9oz
  • Chuck - 8/11 10:30pm - 7lbs 10oz
  • Mike - 8/13 8:00am - 6lbs 11oz
  • Tim - 8/15 8:00am - 7lbs 3oz
Chelle writes: "So Tim thinks she's gonna be a slow cooker, Mike thinks she is gonna be a dainty little thing and Allen thinks she is gonna be a heavyweight champ! All the granparents are counting on night-time deliveries -- maybe they know something we don't! Can't wait to fine out the winner! Sarah, Thanks for letting us bet on your body!"


  • On 8/4, Sarah and I went to the doctor, and she said that Sarah is not showing any early signs of delivery. However, she offered to "strip Sarah's membranes" (whatever that means), which brings on labor in 50% of patients. Sarah declined. For now.

    By Blogger O'Hara Family, at 11:07 AM  

  • There is an old myth (that many OB nurses still believe) that says that a full moon can initiate labor in women. In fact, my Aunt Janet says that all of her (five) kids were born under a full moon. So, for those who are keeping track, the next full moon will arrive on August 9th, the day after Sarah's official due date.

    By Blogger O'Hara Family, at 4:30 PM  

  • Well, today was the due date (8/8), and the doctor said that Sarah is 3cm dilated, 50% effaced, and -3 station ... which means that we still have a ways to go before Pilaf pops out of her momma. A visit to the hospital has been scheduled for Sunday, so Mike may have a slight lead in the betting contest.

    By Blogger O'Hara Family, at 9:03 PM  

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